BOXO Projects residency exhibition - february 29, 2020

February 29, 2020
collaboration with Ethan Primason

Ethan and Caroline’s installation as part of their BOXOProjects open studio (on Saturday, February 29 from 2-5p) is the culmination of a month long analysis of three sonic moments recorded in three different abandoned mines in Joshua Tree National Park. On a particularly windy day in February, the artists recorded the wind as it filled, passed through and revealed the architecture of three long abandoned man made caverns. One short audio recording from each mine was then meticulously dissected, analyzed, and reconstructed into a multi-channel immersive audio environment to reveal the complexities, relationships and layered acoustic properties that make up a brief sonic moment. Through their multisensory analysis of these moments, we built a series of speakers, fans, resonating metallic sheets, and visual representations of the physical waveforms. This is a work created through the process of constant reinterpretation - an attempt to intentionally witness, reflect, breakdown and rebuild the sonic character of place.

As two artists with backgrounds in Music and Anthropology, Caroline Partamian and Ethan Primason work to explore the dimensionality of audio through the relationship between sound and space. Specifically, they are curious about the psychoacoustic properties and placeness of sound. Through their work, the artists explore concepts of architecture, transmission, acoustics, and ethnography through a creative and technological approach to audio.